- All content provided by Wakefield Wellness PC / ACUMOBILITY is for educational purposes only. Wakefield Wellness PC / ACUMOBILITY does not assume responsibility of any kind for injury or death incurred during the performance of these exercises and or failure to perform exercises correctly. You assume all risk and responsibility for performing these exercises correctly.
- Our products and exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
- We do not make any health claims or claims of effectiveness about our products.
- Wakefield Wellness PC / ACUMOBILITY does not assume responsibility of any kind for improper use of its products or injury incurred during use of these products.
- If you have any underlying medical condition or injury, it is your responsibility to consult with your Medical Professional to get approval before using any of our products or exercises.
- Our exercises are not meant as a replacement for treatment and rehabilitation from a Medical Professional. It is important that you treat any injuries and get Doctor’s consent before beginning a new training exercise.
- If you feel pain during an exercise, stop the exercise immediately and consult a medical professional before continuing to use the products.
- Our assessments and corrections are for educational purposes only and not meant to replace clinical analysis or treatment by a trained professional.
- Do not use Floss bands if you have a vascular condition of any kind including diabetes. Floss bands must be removed as soon as you feel numbness or when the skin starts looking dusky. Do not leave floss bands on longer than 30-45 seconds. Use only moderate tension when wrapping. Floss bands should not be used on anyone with vascular issues or any medical condition that can be worsened with compression. Consult a medical professional for approval before using the acumobility floss bands especially if you have an underlying medical condition.
- Do not use any of our products over the spine, especially if you have a spinal fusion or spinal injury. Consult with your Medical Professional before using any of our products if you have a medical condition that could be worsened by mobility or rolling exercises.